• Is it just me, or are little girl’s clothes made significantly smaller than they need to be? Bud, who will be 7 in January, is wearing a size 6. Lucy, who will be 5 in August, is also wearing a size 6. She is more than a full head shorter than Bud, and weighs significantly less. So, um, WTF?
• We are moving Liv in to a toddler bed. In fact, last night was her first full night in it, and she did great. When she did wake up, because lets face it, she will never sleep through the night—EVER, she called to me to come and get her. I don’t think it even occurred to her to get up on her own. She looks so big! What happened to my baby? In 2 months, she will be 2. (those are Lucy’s Bieber posters. OMG)

• I wrote an entire post about my fitness and weight loss and the things that are controllable vs. those that are non-controllable. Then my computer ate the whole thing. The gist? I don’t weigh myself because it is too disappointing, but my pants are definitely looser. I can’t control the fact that I have Hashimoto’s Disease. I can control stuffing junk in my pie hole, and not slacking at the gym. Eye-opening stuff, huh?
• I need to say this without giving you any context: If you have a history of alcoholism, the kind that has brought you near death, it is not ok to drink socially. I don’t care if you are on the trip of a lifetime. I don’t blame you because I know it is a sickness and you were probably just looking for an excuse, but I totally blame the people you were with, who knew. And I can not and will not get over it. Ever.
• The baby has bronchitis and is on the Zpak. She’s been in a surprisingly good mood though.
• Tomorrow, I am taking all 3 kids to a party 1.5 hours away, alone. Hub has to work. It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine.
Apparently gendered sizing starts really early! Adult men have a lot more flexibility with sizing (as in, male XL is much bigger than female XL) and apparently they start that all way when the kids are five. Fantastic.
Sorry about the bronchitis!
OMG Look at the sweetie sleeping potato baybeeeeeee.
I want to squish her, but that would wake her up and I know you would kill me. *Sigh*
The books is THE BEST if you want to innundate yourself with so much information it feels like there is no way you will screw up. Er, but there will be less than stellar moments. And, you will be able to swim, which is always a high point for the kiddos. We stayed in a family suite at the All Star Music and it was nice. I would upgrade if I were doing it again. Which we will, probably when Jelly Bean is 5 or 6 and New Baby is 2ish. Let the chaos and wonder reign!
Oh, the things we do for our kids. :)
gender sizing does start early. I've already noticed it with the baby and she;s not even 6 mo old.
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