Monday, March 7, 2011

30-Day Catchup--Days 14-18 (photo heavy)

Day 14 — An old photo
I was going to scan a photo of my parents that I have in my living room, that Hub refers to as “your Mexican parents” (as in “don’t forget to dust off your Mexican parents”), but I couldn’t get it out of the frame. I can’t explain it, but my mom and dad, who are Polish and German respectively, look very ethnic in this photo. It was probably taken in the mid to late 90’s for their church directory. It’s pretty hilarious, and it drives my mom crazy that I have it on display.

This is the oldest photo I had on my computer—that is me on the left with the curls—I may have had a perm at that point, but I’d bet money on the fact that my mom did that with hot rollers. That was my first communion, so um…I was 8. That was my BFF Jamie next to me. I moved in 6th grade, but she and I reconnected recently through Facebook .

Day 15 — My celebrity crush
Oh my…I fell in love with Robert Downey Jr. a million years ago while watching old 80’s movies when I worked at Blockbuster. He was just so dynamic in everything he was in. He still makes my hear go pitter-pat today.

Day 16 — A favorite food
It’s hard for me to put my finger on one very favorite food. I love food. I love to taste, and sample, and cook new things. My favorite food that I cook is oven fried chicken. Given Hub’s recently diagnosed health conditions, we won’t be eating that one for a while, but damn if it is not the most delicious thing. Especially the grizzle it leaves in the bottom of the pan. Mmmmmm, griiiizzzzzlle…. The recipe is on the back of the Bisquick box, but here is a link. I always use chicken thighs, and this ONLY works if you use a glass pan. Trust me.
Day 17 — A photo of my family
Here are 2— If you’ve been around a while, you’ve seen the first one. The second was taken on a chance run-in with my old friend J on our annual trip to Letchworth in the Fall. I love how we are all just so haphazard.

Day 18 — A baby photo
You’re going to have to take 3….my 3 favorite babies EVAR (each of them between 6 and 8ish months):




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