Monday, September 26, 2011

Lose, Win, Draw

I saw Swistle’s post yesterday evening about the owl bedding at Target and was thrilled! Liv has wanted it and we held off on getting it because we did not know if we were going to end up getting the girls twin or full sized bunk beds. We got full, but haven’t put them up yet (nor have we even bought the mattresses), so I’ve been sort of laid back about looking for the bedding.

But then Swistle alerted me, and there was a chorus of angels from above, and I knew that I must get myself to Target immediately! Actually first I called, and spoke to a very nice but dim girl on the phone who told me that both in the computer and out on the shelf where she walked herself and looked, there was no such thing as a “Love and Nature” line. Of course, I wasn’t taking her word for it, so I threw Liv in the car and we went for a ride. (Bonus—Hub got the big kids showered while I was gone..although now that I think about it getting them showered involves only adjusting the water temperature at this point, as they do everything else themselves, so I guess he really doesn’t deserve a prize…ANYWAY) So in to Target we went and headed straight for the bedding. There was one lonely owl pillow left on the shelf. In fact, there was absolutely NO children’s bedding anywhere to be found. It must have all gone on deep discount.

I stood for a moment to weigh my options. I could drive to several different stores in the area. I could go up front to see if someone else might have some ideas. I could give up. Instead, I started looking at the tags on the shelves. If nothing else, I was going to prove to Dim Bulb that there was such a thing as the Love and Nature line. And of course, I found the tag on the shelf, and promptly took a photo of it with my phone, because I am a genius. Then I went to the service desk, and spoke to Dim Bulb in person. I showed her the photo of the tag, and she looked the numbers up in the computer to see what she could find. There were no full sized sets of the bedding within a 100 mile radius. Bummer. Fail. LOSE.

She did tell me that I was the smartest person who ever came through her line, on account of my photo prowess. I consider this a minor win.

So I left, defeated but with a new record for the least amount of money I’ve ever spent at Target: $0.00. Some might call this a win. I call it a draw.


Nik-Nak said...

I love Swistle's owl quilt and I also love the brown and teal owl bedding (a comforter I think) which is currently at 89.99. So yeah, no owl bedding for us right now.

Swistle said...

Oooooooo noooooooo! And there WERE full-size sets at my Target! ...Well, actually, it might have been just ONE full set: I was looking for twin-size so I stopped looking through the pile as soon as I found one.

I kind of wish I'd just bought ALL of them and then parceled them out!

d e v a n said...

Darn! I bought L one for her birthday last year when it went on sale (it was nowhere near 75% off) and have been holding onto it ever since. Maybe someone will find one at their local target and send it to you!

Mama Bub said...

I actually dug through the clearance at my Target today, but they had no owl quilt. They DID have a cute, pink patterned quilt in full that I almost bought because it was twenty-something-dollars, but couldn't justify storing it for another year and a half. Correction, *I* could justify storing it, my husband could not. I'll go back Wednesday - do you want me to see if that one is still available?