Friday, October 28, 2011

Saturday in Photos

I shared our annual photos the other day, but I really want to share some of the other photos that we took as well. (By we, I mean Lucy and me. Lu has become quite the little photographer). I like them, and I want them here. Plus, I never get Bud to smile for me anymore, or to pose for photos, and he did. (He also kissed me goodbye at school today. In front of people. What's up with that??!!)

The problem is that I already have another entry ready to go. So. What I’m going to do is post these first, and then I will post the entry separately in a little bit.

I had really wanted to wait to go out to Letchworth until Sunday when it was going to be a bit warmer, but this ended up working out ok. Plus the cold weather, and the fact that Bud won the game ball in his flag football game for being the MVP (for sharing his flags with another kid who forgot his--it's not all about winning) gave us an excuse to get out of the car and throw the football around to warm up. Superfun Family Time. I wanted to stop at a family diner on the way home, but was outvoted and we went to Friendly’s instead. It really was a fabulous day--although I am still not over Friendly's being out of pumpkin ice cream. I wanted that pumpkin pie sundae.

First Scenery:

Now Kids:
(Any photo I am in was taken by Lucy. Also the photo of the single tree)

Lucy’s Self Portraits (here, I see where people say she looks like me):

And Finally, what happens when kids are just DONE having photos taken:


Shalini said...

That last photo is brilliant. And yes, she totally looks like you.

Anonymous said...

Love the last one, too!

Yes, I've always thought she looks like you. Those scenery photos are amazing!