The next morning, which was Hub’s actual birthday, I took the kids to school and went over to Bed Bath and Beyond to see if anything struck me. I’m not sure why I was having such a block as to what I wanted to get him (I’d decided to put off the major expensive gift until Father’s Day to avoid using credit) but after perusing the store for a good hour, I finally found it--- a stove-top grill pan, the kind that fits over 2 burners. The first one I saw was $80!! I’m not sure how that is even possible, but I found a nice one for $35. Once home, we lazed around until it was time to go to lunch at the Casino Buffet. I ate so much shrimp and cornbread and….well, you name it! It was so good, and they have some of the best coffee around. After we got the kids, MIL came over for cake and gifts. I think that Hub had a really good day.
And as a bonus, I got a fancy breakfast a la the new grill pan on Saturday morning. I did laundry for the majority of the day, while Hub worked in the kitchen. I finally washed all of the baby clothes and organized them in to categories and sizes and I feel a lot better knowing what we have and what we need (mostly sleepers and onesies) I caught up on our laundry as well since Hub seemed to think it was important for those of us who are already here to have clean clothes. Pfft. Whatever.
And yesterday, we saw Avenue Q with my Brother and SIL. It was…ok. I had already heard the majority of the music and there wasn’t much more. It was enjoyable, but I felt like the cursing was thrown in more for shock factor than to enhance the plot. There was also a very uncomfortable puppet love scene……I guess it was an experience. And all I could picture the whole time was the guy from Johnny and the Sprites (with his large, straight very white teeth) who was the original of one of the characters. The biggest mistake was wearing heels downtown---I could barely walk last night.
I suppose that is it, in a nutshell. I’ll be glad to take it easy next weekend. Today has already been decent; I bought this:

And I am on my way out to Target and Payless to get some comfy shoes. A Monday with lunch break shopping = B O N U S!!
Yay for finding the perfect present! And getting your reward in the form of a yummy breakfast.
1) I love the word "paraphernelia"
2) I ALSO sort of love "Johnny and the Sprites", which I turn on in the morning while I dress AD in hopes that she will share the love (so far--nothing). It reminds me of Fraggle Rock, which I loved as a kid.
Sounds like you did good on the gift purchases.
Oh, I agree, shoppping on a Monday IS nice. I don't do that enough. I usually shop towards the end of the week.
We have one of those grill pans - it gets a lot of use!
Is that a new picture on your sidebar, or am I just slow in noticing it? It's so cute!
Love the onesie!
Lori- yes, though it is me pre-kids....cheatng? I dunno.
Tessie- me too, I love to sing along with him....but his smile really does kind a creep me out. the kids like him ok, but he's no BunnyTown
Yes! Cheapie Target pillows are the best! I'm still loving mine.
cute onesie! and I love doing baby laundry for some reason. hope someone keeps making you lots of fancy breakfasts with his new grill pan :)
Baby laundry is fun for awhile. Then you have two babies, and 10,000 onesies and socks, and you can never find a matching pair of sock (WT?) and the bureau that once held clothes for one child cannot fit the clothes for two. :)
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