I think that I’ll be spending a lot of time in my kitchen this winter. After 6+ months of work, it is finally nearing completion; just needing the new floor, trim, and backsplash. This past weekend, as I overhauled our bedroom, Hub painted it a delicious shade of yellow. It is a Martha Stewart shade called “Sewing Basket”. It looks kind of muted here, but against the blue speckled counters and bright white cupboards and wainscot, it pops.

I have never been so in love with a room before, and let me tell you, I am head over heels for our new and improved kitchen. I’ll take a photo for you soon, I promise.
With all of the painting and cleaning going on over the weekend, we never actually carved pumpkins, so we are doing that tonight when I get home. Hopefully, the baby will cooperate. She has been an absolute beast in the evenings because she refuses to sleep during the day. Yesterday she was so tired that she cried herself to sleep in about 2 minutes while I was making her bottle. She never ate, and slept until 7:30 this morning, when she was ravenous. She’s being good for Hub so far, but I do hope she sleeps a little bit since he worked late last night.
I’m looking forward to the festivities this week will bring. I took Friday off since the kids have a Halloween parade at school, and the big kids are having parties, Bud’s class is putting on a little recital (the are singing Thriller), and then we need to cram some dinner in to them before we head out for trick or treating. Our street still isn’t done, so I’m not sure how this will all go, but the kids are excited anyway. My parents are going to come out as well, as long as the weather is good.
Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Bud will be turning 5. !!5!! I’m stressing out already.
I'm looking forward to the pictures. The colors look like they'd be really pretty together! Well, they are really pretty together, but I mean on walls/trim and in a room.
I'm hating the darkness myself. It's hard to not feel anything but tired when it's pitch black at 5:30.
I can't wait to see pictures of the new kitchen. I love the blue/yellow/white colour palette. It's so fresh, but comfortable. I spend almost all of my time at home in my kitchen, even though it's not shiny and new like yours.
isn't it crazy what paint can do. My kitchen is a color similar to the sewing basket and every time i go in there i have the urge to put on a frilly apron, bake pies and call myself martha stewart. can't wait for pics
I mean, I'm very happy for you.
Nooooo, he can't be 5. Impossible. Also, kudos to you for having the forethought to actually take Friday off.
Damn, I should have done that.
oooh, can't wait for pictures!
I love fall, but I hate the darkness. I feel like I need to put my jammies on and go to bed at 6. We change the clocks on Saturday which means darkness by 4:30-5. It's just awful. I too turn on lots of lights, but then sigh over the electric bill and turn some off.
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