I can’t remember the last time I was so glad to have a long weekend. Life has been exhausting lately. Just the daily minutiae takes so much out of me, and when coupled with the unexpected I am left feeling drained and weak, like I can’t even go on for another minute. But I do, and the cycle starts all over again.
We had our niece Saturday until late in the afternoon Sunday and at this point we are so used to having her around that she doesn’t throw too many wrenches in to our schedule. After dinner, we made popcorn and all watched Aladdin, and then Niece and Lucy camped out on her bedroom floor. My brother came over and ended up staying the night as well since he was going with Hub and Bud to Toronto on Sunday to see Monster Jam.
Lucy and I have a tradition of going out and shopping and having dinner when the boys are at Monster Jam, so she, Liv, Niece and I headed out to Target soon after the boys left on Sunday. I was a bit disappointed with the clearance section at our local Target, but did find a few things for Liv for next year and 2 outfits for Niece who just needs some clothes (I always put her in Lucy’s old clothes when she comes over). We grabbed a few personal pizza’s from pizza hut and came home where the girls went in for a nap. Well, Niece and Lucy napped. This is the only nap Liv took all day:
And here is Niece posing outside of Target:

Liv did play quietly in her crib for a bit though which gave me a chance to lie down and nurse the migraine that was raging for about a half an hour. I felt a bit better and got her out when she started getting loud and we shared some ice cream and watched TV until the other 2 got up, dropped Niece off with BIL around 5, and headed to the mall with my girls.
My Target disappointment waned as we got in to Old Navy and worked their clearance. I had no luck with anything for Bud, but got 2 shirts and a headband for Lucy, and a summer blouse and 2 summer skirts for Liv and I spent $14. I picked up one shirt for Lucy at JC Penny that IS NOT for next year (and that kind of goes against my purpose for shopping, but she asked so nicely) and at Sears got Liv 2 dresses for next year, one dress for right now, and a new purse for me. All day, including our Ihop dinner, I spent around $100. Not too shabby.
Yesterday was a normal daycare day for Lucy and Liv, and I signed Bud up as well for the school aged program. The plan was for Hub and I to get some much needed housework done. Instead, when I got home I crawled in to bed with him and was just so warm and comfortable that we slept for most of the morning. And after a late breakfast, we decided to go to the movies. We saw ‘Up in the Air” and I really liked it. I’d say I loved it, but I don’t feel like it really had an ending and that kind of bugs me. But the movie itself? Just my thing.
We had lunch at Olive Garden and by then were ready to pick the kids up, and get back to real life and prepare for today’s work and school day.
Like I said, I really needed this weekend. I’m no less tired; we were very busy! But I am refreshed in a way and that helps. And I am very much looking forward to our new laptop (our very first laptop, actually) arriving tomorrow, and finally being able to go wireless at home. The little things certainly do help to defunkify me. Here hoping that they work for a few days at least.
The funk is definitely in the air. BAH!
Oh MAN I am in awe of you taking kids shopping and out to eat and stuff. Dude. I won't even take both of my kids to the grocery store unaided.
How do you do it? Are my kids more monster like? Must be.
It sounds like you needed that comfy morning in rather than all that housework. Glad you got that time to unwind a little bit!
That sounds like a perfect day.
I'm glad you had a fun weekend! SOmetimes it's really needed!
oh I could use a nice warm morning in bed. We've had rain and fog all week and a cozy bed sounds so good! That funk really has been making the rounds this year!!!
alalalalalallal i can't hear you allalallalalalal i didnt hear anything about old navy clearances .
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