Friday, July 29, 2011


Today, Banana, you are 3. Three years old.

I am having a hard time grasping how we have gone from this:

To this:

If I wondered even for a second three years ago, just how you were going to fit in to our family, it was all for nothing. You are the sunshine to all of us. To your brother and sister, a reason to be silly—they will do anything to make you happy even when you are the world’s biggest piss pot---and trust me, you are. To your daddy who you get to buy you Tim Bits on the way home from school, even though it’s dinner time and you promise you won’t tell mom. And to me—you are my forever baby and as much as you ask, I will never stop calling you baby even though you are big.

You are truly something else—you call grown-ups by their first names and you get away with it. No Miss or Aunt or Uncle for you. You interact with grown-ups like you are one yourself. In fact, your teacher (Miss) Jamie says she misses you when you’re not there because she doesn’t have a grownup to talk to.

You have no fear, going on all the big slides at the playground and riding all the big kid rides at the amusement park. You always tell us exactly what is on your mind, and even if you didn’t—we would see it on your face.

You still insist that your name is Hannah Banana Lastname. This is how you introduce yourself to people. And if I happen to call you Hannah Lynne, you immediately correct me. You make big eyes and tell us “these are my maaaaagical eyes” and you tell us what you see. Your grandma is your very best friend. This pleases me, because I know she needs you.

I don’t know what else to say, Baby. You are one of the 3 greatest things to have ever happened to me and I love you to the moon.

Let’s stop growing up now, ok?



Jess said...

Oh my goodness. Three! I can't even believe it. Happy birthday to her!

CAQuincy said...

Happy Birthday, little one! (Three--REALLY?!)

d e v a n said...

Very sweet! Happy birthday to Hannah Banana!

Misty said...

Yes! Stop growing Miss Banana and then send a note to Scooter to tell him how to stop as well. Please cc Brother and Jelly Bean while you're at it.



Laura Diniwilk said...

I love that picture, I see so much of you in her face. She sounds like an amazing kiddo, I hope she has a happy birthday!